Monday, May 26, 2008

The Memorial Day Jello Massacre


I have been away from my blog for sometime now. There were lots of reasons why that I won't get into on this post. I'm thinking I will do that in a different one to catch you all up on the excitement that is our lives. What I would like to share today is a story of Jello, clumsiness, and just plain silliness that made laugh so hard I snorted and immediately felt the urge to restart my blog. I can't say exactly how this Jello massacre occurred as I was upstairs being highly productive on the computer (I was on my third straight win at Tri-peaks solitaire). All at once I heard this terrible crash and Rylenn kind of wimper and whine. I wasn't super concerned since she is quite old enough to tell me if she's hurt. Being the top mom that I am, I hollered down while finishing my 5 card streak, "you ok?" No answer. "You OKAYYYY?" I hear a quite wimper. Then here comes Sophie running into the room saying "she's not ok, she's not ok." Of course, I am worried at this point and run down the hallway to the top of the stairs and this is what I find......


Again, being the top mom that I am, instead of running to help her up, I ran to get my camera and caught these classic shots to remind her in the coming days of teenagerism what happens when you start to get too big for your briches (or when you lean back to far in your chair!)

....Yes, Rylenn, it IS the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life!!!!!! Love ya!



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